Monthly Archives: November 2015

600 Gobbles

Here’s another workout that will get you ready for Turkey Day!

**CnD Original Workout**

Perform 12 reps of each exercise then move to the next, resting as needed. You will do this entire circuit 5 times total for a total of 600 reps! See if you can beat our time of 30 minutes!

1 – Side lunge to Right / Side lunge to left (6 ea side)
2 – Lunge back, knee up (6 ea side then switch which leg lunges back)
3 – Burpees with pushups and calf raise instead of jump
4 – Tricep pushups
5 – Reptiles
6 – Bridge to reverse crunch
7 – Froggers
8 – Mountain climbers
9 – Full sit-ups
10 – Leg drops for abs


Prep Your Turkey Legs

Thanksgiving is this week, so we thought we should work a little harder today and get our legs ready for the big day. This is a tough one, especially if you really push hard during the 50 seconds of work. We may or may not have been yelling out cheesy mantras, over and over and over. Hey, whatever works, right?

**CnD Original Workout**

50 sec work, 10 sec rest. 18 rounds total (18 minute workout)

Super low squat w/ 1 second hold
Plank w/ jumps to side of hands
Forward & backward lunge, jump lunge
Commandos with plank jacks

Good luck!

Notes: For the forward & backward lunge, jump lunge, start with your R foot. Lunge forward, then lunge back. Jump up and switch legs, so your left leg is now in back. Now lunge forward and back with your left foot, and jump switch.

Commandos with plank jacks. Start in a plank position. Drop your R elbow to the mat, jump your legs open, drop your left elbow to the mat, jump your legs closed, push up with your R hand, jump your legs open, push up with your L hand, jump your legs closed. Repeat starting with dropping your left elbow.

Turkey Trot HIIT Style

You don’t have to run a race on turkey day to get a good workout in! Lots of trotting in this one and you can get ‘er done in your living room. Do each exercise as hard as you can for 30 seconds and get those knees high!

**CnD Original Workout**

30 sec work, 10 sec rest – 24 rounds total (16 minutes)

Prisoner squat with knee lift
High knees
Burpees (without pushup) w/180 degree jump
High knees
Jump lunges
High knees
V-abs – LEFT
High knees
V-abs – RIGHT
High knees
High knees
Bridges with knee openers
High knees
High knees
Leg drop for abs
High knees
High knees
Jump squats
High knees
Tricep hold leg lift
High knees


Feel the Burn

Here’s another HIIT workout that requires no equipment. We are huge fans of this format – the rounds go quickly and you get a full-body workout in a short amount of time. Set your timer for 8 minutes and complete as many rounds of each circuit as you can. Total workout time: 24:00.

**CnD Original Workout**

Circuit 1:
10 low jump open squat jumps
5 competition burpees
10 bridge knee open & close (keep feet flat on the floor)
5 leg drops with hip lift

Circuit 2:
10 jump lunges
10 curtsey lunge knee ups (5 ea side)
10 full situps, soles of feet together
10 swimmer lifts

Circuit 3:
20 high knees
5 tricep pushups (on knees, if needed)
6 commandos
20 V-abs (10 ea side)


New CnD Circuit Workout!

This is a pretty intense workout (one-arm burpees!?) that you can scale back or increase your time for each round depending on how hard and sweaty you want it to be. We set a timer for 6 minutes 30 seconds per circuit, for a total workout time of 19:30.

**CnD Original Workout**

Circuit 1:
10 plie squat jumps
10 180 squat jumps
10 plank froggers

Circuit 2:
10 reptiles
16 jump lunges
10 reverse plank knee tucks
10 commandos

Circuit 3:
6 burpees with pushup and 2 jumps
6 1-arm burpees (alternate arms)
6 leg drops for abs
12 bicycle crunches
12 heel touch side abs
